Pre-K Study Program Preview


Ages: Under 3 yrs. Cat: Pre-kg, Grad. Age: 3 yrs. 

Content: Reading out passages, Sorting, Recognition, Articulation and Distinguishing of Alphanumerics, Coloring and Painting, Music, Video study sessions, Bible Studies and Prayer sessions, Home-made Excursions, Identification activities. Organized Play time and games. 

This is the first stage in the Little Lad Programs. And runs for varying length of years, depending on what age a child joins the Little Lad’s Program for Pre-K (a child may be enlisted into the Little Lad’s Pre-K Program from 3 months of age to 2 years, the program graduation age is 3 years and a child should spend at least one year in the program). The Pre-K prepares the child for Kindergarten via selected activities, including:

·         Reading out passages to the child(ren) [from the Little Lad’s Alphanumeric Book]:

The Little Lad’s Alphanumeric Book contains a number of stories for Pre-k and kindergarten children, every story is read out loud and dramatically,  

·         Sorting specified alphanumerics with the child [from the Little Lad’s 432 A-N box]

·         Pronouncing the Letters found and encouraging the Child to do same to support ARTICULATION for the child

·         Observing keenly during the Sorting sessions to see the Letters that pose greatest challenge for the child to DISTINGUISH and the rate at which distinction between letters do come.

·         Activities and Feature exercises recommended for each week’s Lessons.

Keep in mind that this program and its operations are frequently updated to bring forth the maximum benefits at all times. The curriculum provides the weekly lessons, lesson plans and operations for the each semester of the Pre-K Alphanumeric program.


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