Our Home School: Where Are We Today?
There's Much care in the present day for Many Issues! One of the matters however of urgent emergency, yet least given any attention to is the MORALITY OF OUR KIDS!
It is needful to explain what we mean by Morality: Man (Including every Child) is made of Spirit, Soul and Body. An Important Moral Part of Man (Including Children), is known as the HEART! It is this Heart of Man (not the biological organ, howbeit the importance of the biological representation ought to show to us the extent of Import of the Moral- invisible to the eyes, yet fully real, for we know of its presence even much more than we do of the biological, that is, we are much more aware of its presence, howbeit with little attention given to it) which is the seat of the Morality we speak of!
Luke 6:43-45
[43]For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
[44]For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
[45]A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
No Man would ever produce something contrary to his Heart, No one! And it is here that the greatest challenge, the obvious reason why little attention is paid to the real matter of Education for the Child, it is here that we find the obvious, that is: Unless the Educator's own heart is under the influence of God's Word by His Holy Spirit, then every attempt by the man to produce good treasure in the child shall utterly fail! For how can one ever give that which he himself never had?
Therefore since the goal of all Education is the preparing of the moral field of the Heart, then:
1. Strictly Speaking, Only Educators who understands this goal may ever truly make any true impact upon the Child.
2. Such Educators Must themselves be found to be in the experience of the goal themselves in their own very personal lives, and it must be true that this goal is their highest goal not just for the Educated, but primarily for their very own hearts!
3. The Word of God, the only weapon given for the conquering of the heart must therefore be at work victoriously, conquering the Educators own very Heart! For that is the only basis on which God's word becomes the basis of the Child's Education!
It must be noted concerning God's Word that it is not herein referring to a religious routine of Bible reading for the Child (as much as this should be encouraged!)- the word of God speaks of the Character of God as manifest in Christ! This is revealed in the Holy scriptures. It is upon this basis that we know and are persuaded that our Home Schooling ought to be experienced. It is a long journey, which I confess rather fearfully, that is hasting on! When we first had this understanding, there were no children (in view at the time), though there was already, on one's part, a looking forward to this Spirit of Home Schooling, yet fast forward all those years to when we now had the first child in the Home School? How prepared were we? In terms of our own hearts experience of that which we hoped? Not close at all! And now, even now, we know so well of our weaknesses, our failures, our carnal energies, but for God's Mercies and Faithfulness, we have had at every turn, the reasons to simply quit the vision (and yes, on our own grounds we would just give in to it), the only grounds we weakly continue is this: "trust in God, who raises up the dead!"
Our Hearts must come to a fixed position firstly, there is this position that is waiting for our hearts to come to- not a perfect, strong, devoid of mistakes kind of position, No! It is not that, which we now speak of... But there's a position our Hearts must need come upon and that needs become of us, this is quite paramount and we must continue in prayers and earnestly waiting on the Lord for this first of first needs!
Then there are the other matters, some of us, are as God has also granted, been committed some responsibilities in this connection (The Home School), the time of waiting aforementioned is a time of Heart Searching (Not soul searching- to God belongs the searching out of the Heart, no Man is willing to search himself out, men would rather do so called soul-searching) thus, our responsibilities must be understood and carried on from this position- the searching out of our hearts! Our Motives, our Energies, etc. We should at this point in time thus handle, view and carry on our responsibilities from this position, we should not shy away from our responsibilities, not at all, as to not have our Administrative Activities, Curriculum Planning, Lectures, and so on, no, we must not be deceived to think, or even feel condemned for however, we think they're done "in the flesh"; ours is to by God's Grace understand that in view is the searching out of our Hearts! And it is in these things: Administration, Curriculum Planning, Teaching, and so on that the abundance of our hearts are being revealed!
The Urgent Business, is now what? As our hearts are being made plain before the Father of Spirits, as in a sense, our works are being tried- by the exposing of our hearts- by the fire of God's Word, what is our response? How do we respond to God's workings- His present fiery judgement within? Are we excusing ourselves? Are we shutting out the convictions of the Holy Spirit? Are we simply overlooking? Do we pray just once and let the matter just be? Or are we persistent in prayer, and won't rest until the Lord avenges us of the enemy within us? These are really perilous times, there is a daily rise and revealing of the work of the Anti-Christ upon the hearts of Men, and thus in the World, the intensity of it seen in- iniquity abounding and Men ever resisting God- not wanting at all to retain, that is, acknowledge God truly any longer- these in turn leads increasingly to the abounding reprobacy in the World, and love waxing cold of the Saints! All invention there is, but for God's sovereign ruling which oh that the Saint, should abound in the understanding of ever more, all invention increasingly seems to be crafted even for these purposes- that iniquity abounds and that man's heart wax even more gross- from Music, to worldly leadership (seat of worldly wise man), to all entertainment, academics, politics, sports, etc. Is it of little significance that it seems ours Is A generation high in Artificial Intelligence yet so common sensically dumb, whose only appeal is to sentiments, her reason purely emotional and whose nemesis is any basic logical and cognitive thought? and perhaps most tragic of it all- the heart of the Child Is the great casualty in all these- to so corrupt the child's heart even before they're so accountable about their own actions and deeds- and society is hysterically entertained by this gruesome cesspit?
This is the conflict like it or not, want it or not that any Child Educator is confronted with whether or not they know or acknowledge it! Now this is simply put, a battle for survival of Heart-Morality and if ever the Adult or Child Educator or the Home School, will have any true impact upon the Child, then it simply starts with Me- with the cross of Jesus Christ working ever increasingly, and from victory unto victory within Us.
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