LLHS Kindergarten (For Ages 3-5 Years)

Welcome to The ReHearsal House Little Lads Home School of Practical Learning's Official Kindergarten Home Page.

The Kindergarten Learning Program, aimed to be strictly a Practice Based Learning Program for all Subject Areas, is suited for Little Lads from ages 3 years to 5 years.

The Listed Courses Still being developed, derives from Video Sessions, and other subjects are mental and socio development Oriented on one hand: that is the primary goal is to encourage (boost) the Child's Mental Development- Including aptness to reading, clear and good Auditory (phrasal-speaking), communications and interactions, cognition (think and do), motor-sensory through simple physical activities (Exercises)

On the other hand, keeping our eyes on why the Little Lads Home School in the first place, the other essential aspects of the Kindergarten Learning Program, is Prayerful Living, And here again and again, we're helpless and we need much help and prayers. The Educators Living is the Children's Learning! And there's no way to rewrite that! It is what we as Educators Live (in the true sense) not what we pretend to live that is what we teach! The Subjects are almost entirely little in themselves, it is our Living that is the actual moral Impact! Educators are encouraged to pray, engage the Lads in Scripture Memory Verses, Read the Bible Aloud to the Lads, these are all highly recommended and encouraged, however, we Must request Grace to Live Godly from the supplier of Grace! For yes the rule remains: Life Only may Inspire Life!

The Kindergarten Learning Program is scheduled for Three Years: from the Child's second birthday to the fifth. The Curriculum (includes repetitions) spans through three years. 

Readers Must note that our life and program is yet at it's early development, and would be improved on time and again.

Find the Listed Courses And Curriculum Here


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